Celebrate Communion! - A Christian Blog About Worship, Faith & Community

Factory insights: Behind the story of gluten free Communion

Posted by Lori Ralls on 12/18/2017 to General
Factory insights:  Behind the story of gluten free Communion
Factory tour field trip day was my all-time favorite highlight of grade school. Our recent involvement in processing gluten free Communion wafers would make my 3rd grade self totally geek out right now. Since I assume everyone enjoys finding out “how’s that made?” as much as I do, I wanted to share a bit of the story with our church friends.

Toddler Bravery

Posted by Lori Ralls on 10/6/2017 to General
Toddler Bravery
The bravest toddler I’ve ever known is Ethan. My grandson was almost 2 years old when he showed me courage that I will never forget.

Share the Spirit, Not the Germs

Posted by Lori Ralls on 11/22/2016 to General
Share the Spirit, Not the Germs

Share the Spirit, Not the Germs

Wisdom for Keeping the Church Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

As we gather together as a body of believers in church we share many things. Sharing insight and encouragement is good. Sharing coughs and sneezes is not good. We don't want to miss out on worship, fellowship and opportunities for growth by participating at church. But in our enthusiasm for God’s house, let’s be mindful of the common courtesy tips (listed below) during cold and flu season and reduce everyone’s health risks by minimizing the spread of germs.

Glad and Sincere Hearts

Posted by Lori Ralls on 10/14/2016 to General
Glad and Sincere Hearts

In my day to day journey there are many reminders of God’s presence in my life. Even when I least expect it, the Lord puts a treasure in my path. ...this delightful sign caught my eye and lifted my spirit.

...Today's Communion can be as inspiring as the early church's joy in the book of Acts 2. "Preparing Our Hearts For Communion" is a downloadable resource from Celebrate Communion, sponsors of the Travel Case for Prefilled Communion Cups.