Celebrate Communion! - A Christian Blog About Worship, Faith & Community

Glad and Sincere Hearts

Posted by Lori Ralls on 10/14/2016 to General
Glad and Sincere Hearts

Glad and Sincere Hearts

In my day to day journey there are many reminders of God’s presence in my life. Even when I least expect it, the Lord puts a treasure in my path. Over the weekend I attended a community event and this delightful sign caught my eye and lifted my spirit.

Recognizing the familiar passage of scripture from the book of Acts I myself had a glad and sincere heart. This verse is written about a time in the early church history where people devoted themselves to daily Bible study, fellowship, Communion and prayer. They were doing life together and made sure each other’s daily needs were met. In the midst of this, the Lord did miracles and the church grew strong in numbers and strong in their faith.

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." -- Acts 2:46-47

I like to go back to the basics. Simplify our busy lives to reset our priorities. Take time to share with others over a meal about the blessings of God. Focus on remembering Jesus’ acts of love on our behalf by taking Communion together in the small settings, often, not just when the church gathers corporately for worship. Pray for one another and encourage each other with God’s Word. Praise God and enjoy…

Travel Communion Case with Prefilled Cups

Celebrate Communion shares your reverence and conviction for the Lord’s Supper. This passion drives us to seek creative opportunities to meet at His Table. When introducing our new travel case for prefilled Communion cups, we prepared a handy scripture reference card for portable ministry and visitation. You are welcome to download this printable copy of “Preparing Our Hearts For Communion” to share with your small group or Bible study.

Just in case you wondered, the inspirational hand painted wood sign is available from primandpropersignshop.com

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