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Communion Wafers
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Prefilled Communion Cups
Communion Wafers
Gluten Free
Communion Wafers
Communion Wafers
Breads and Communion Wafers Guaranteed Fresh!
Communion wafers, Eucharist hosts and unleavened bread for your celebration of the Lord's Supper are available in a wide range of sizes, bread-types and quantities suitable to many church settings and denominations. Please call 1-877-222-0771 if you need a product you can't find on our Website and we'll be happy to order it for you. Serving liturgical and non-liturgical faith communities is our passion and specialty. Whether you want to buy Communion wafers for congregations of 50, 250 or 50,000, we have hosts, wafers and bread made fresh and stored in our temperature-controlled environment in Olympia, WA.
Total Items: 12
2" x 3" Reclosable Bags - Bundle of 100
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Single sealed Communion Wafers - Cavanagh Breads, 200 White
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Not for Sale
Communion Wafers - Cavanagh Breads, 1000 White
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Communion Bread - 500 Unleavened Squares
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Gluten Free Communion Wafers - 1.25 inch Wafers
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Not for Sale
Gluten Free Communion Wafers - Boxed: about 100 Wafers
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Celebrant's Hosts - Gluten Free, Box of 10
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Gluten Free Communion Bread - 500 Unleavened Squares
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Celebrant's Host - White, Box of 50 Wafers
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Large Whole Wheat Communion Wafers, Box of 25
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Individually Wrapped Gluten Free Communion Wafers - Cavanagh, Box of 25 Wafers
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Low Gluten Communion Hosts - Cavanagh, Box of 25 Individually Wrapped
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